Our School
At the heart of Mesrobian School lies a profound commitment to nurturing each student as an individual. Our progressive, holistic approach draws from diverse fields such as education, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, behavioral economics, and sociology to ensure that every student thrives academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally.
Grounded in the teachings of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Mesrobian fosters an environment where faith, heritage, and academic excellence intersect. We prioritize not only academic success but also spiritual and moral development, helping students cultivate strong values rooted in our Christian faith.
Our curriculum places great emphasis on the Armenian language, history, and cultural traditions, empowering students with a deep connection to their Armenian identity. This connection is strengthened through daily prayers, religious studies, and participation in Armenian Apostolic Church services, which foster a deep sense of faith and community.
At Mesrobian, students receive the personalized attention they need to succeed in school and life. Through a variety of supportive systems and practices that promote self-regulation and well-being, we prepare students to excel in their academic journey and become thoughtful, compassionate leaders guided by both intellect and faith.